Monday, May 8, 2017

The Diversity and Inclusion Hate Campaign

In reading the newspaper this morning I noted  a big bold headline about an MTV awards show that said, "MTV Awards celebrate inclusion and diversity". I don't watch that TV channel and know  or care nothing about the people they honored at the ceremony. But I do know about the idiotic "diversity and inclusion" policy of the left.  The term demands nothing short of complete uniformity in accepting radical, left-wing ideas about multiculturalism, and despite the “inclusion” part, its focus on forced levels of “diversity” inherently demands nothing short of the exclusion and mistreatment of white people to do it. This is the latest left wing bigotry campaign, cloaked in the lie that it promotes fairness.

I suspect the political correctness that Obama and his minions promoted has run its course, given that people see it for what it is- hate and bigotry against whatever is the majority preference. To replace political correctness, this diversity/inclusion nonsense has slowly been inching its way to the top of the left list of how to discriminate in the name of fairness. It rules every American university with an iron hand, demonizing anything or anyone who is not a member of a minority group. Diversity and inclusion has even managed to infiltrate the once conservative corporate world with stunning effectiveness. The nation's leading financial institutions, from Goldman Sachs to JPMorgan Chase, have "diversity and inclusion offices" in order to avoid being targeted by the diversity crowd with the favorite brand of the left- "racism".

The media loves the diversity spiel and anyone who questions why someone is better or more deserving simply because his or her skin color is not white is the mantra that the media.It is becoming mainstream. The D and I campaign is really a rebranding of the stale and vacuous political correctness war we have suffered the past decade or so. Most institutions couldn't get away with having an official office of "political correctness," a direct and obvious assault on the principles of intellectual freedom and the free exchange of ideas. But few peole dare to challenge such a nice sounding religion as "diversity and inclusion". Few institutions will challenge the hate of D and I because it's not good business and they will be scorned publicly if they do.

The, "White people are oppressors and we must destroy them" campaign of diversity and inclusion advocates promotes an entitlement based on race that produces great tension among the demonized white person constituency it seeks to wipe out. It also marginalizes minorities who oppose it and want to be judged on merit, not skin color.

Here's what D and I really is. "Diversity" means the ideologically motivated desire to increase the number of minorities at a given institution by accepting, hiring and promoting based on race. White is evil and non white is Godly in the eyes of the diversity haters.  And "inclusion" means ensuring that no white person is allowed to complain about it. I just go ahead and attack me for preferring fairness, equality and ethical behavior toward all.

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