Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Day Is Protest Day

Another May Day has passed. In most of the world May Day is a patriotic display, the nation celebrates itself and there is unity. But in Western Europe and the United States May Day was never a holiday of celebration and unity. The disenchanted there have transformed May Day into their own holiday of dissent, often dissent for dissent purposes. It is Protest Day for them that accomplishes nothing but dividing the nations where the protests are held. Many of them don't know what they are protesting, most are uninformed about the issues they protest, but all of them seem to love being a trendy protester who will change the nation to their often bizarre vision of what they see as a just one.

The liberal areas of this country are where the protests are largest and most violent. The left never protests without creating a scene, a tantrum and sometimes a violent one. It's their way of getting attention for their cause, given that the cause is usually so stupid and off that the only way anyone not a lunatic would notice is by a massive street protest that shuts down a part of the city.

The one in Portland today turned violent when "anarchists" allegedly not associated with the protest threw Molotov cocktails, stones, broke store front windows of businesses and burned a police car. After the protest was shut down by police the leftist protest leader reacted as any 5 year old would (That is often the mentality) by blaming the chaos on "outside agitators",  but he also said the anarchists were really right in seeking "justice'. A left wing protest always seems to have professional anarchist protesters attached to the protest march. They dress in all black, usually in in Ninja outfits, wear masks to cover their identity to make it harder for police surveillance cameras to identify them when they turn violent, carry bats or other weapons and smash as many store windows and cars as they can.

I am not sure what they protest because people from the far left protest everything these days. It seems to be a way for some people to have fun an feel "revolutionary" at the same time. My guess the May Day protest were a "I hate Trump let's impeach him" protest, because it's is the year of hate protest against Donald Trump. Protesters rarely approve of democratic elections when their candidate loses. Instead, they demand a recount, say the election was rigged and finally, when their complaints are so baseless that they are ignored, they seek to have the winner removed any way possible and replaced with the leftist that lost or the next best leftist because...well..the left is smugly certain their way is the only way and that they know the best way to govern. Democracy be damned!

Elsewhere in many other liberal cities in the U.S. and dozens of smaller communities, the protesters marched for immigrants (illegal immigrants), for workers (because many of the protesters don't work themselves, preferring to let the tax paying workers they claim to represent, pay for their ":free stuff"), for women and for the rest of the  amorphous crowd that leftists claim to represent. Instead of the May Day celebration in civilized countries that is a day traditionally reserved for the cause of laborers around the world., these clowns protest their gripe of the day.

I think May Day here is the ultimate useless protest day. The protesters march and curse the system that allows them to protest because protesting here has become an end in itself. Everyone know those protests are meaningless, that it's a waste of time and it's an inconvenience to people caught in the middle of the protest mayhem. But when you have nothing constructive to do, protest. It's trendy, fun and you get to pretend you are better than everyone else.

How sad it is to impugn real protest with that garbage. The victim at May Day is the legitimate protester who has real causes that society would benefit from hearing, but who is lost in the mindless mass protests of the leftist protester. We should protest that.

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