Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Pop Music Fizzles for me

I know I am out of touch with pop culture. My age insists it is so, and I am glad. I find most of it not only confusing and uninteresting  but crass, crude and lacking in substance. The worst of it for me is popular music. I left the pop music audience many years ago. If I am assaulted by pop music on the street, in an elevator or anywhere outside my home, since I won't play it there, my reaction is usually "that is awful noise". Gee, I wish they would bring back the Beatles.

A good example of a reason for my flight from modern music is the headline I saw at an online newspaper today. It said "Drake to headline....." The guy must be a singer because he had a microphone in his hand in the accompanying photo and it looked like he was crooning (we oldies call singing crooning because they used to do that in ancient times). Anyway, I am unfamiliar with Drake and a multitude of other pop singers today. The only thing that interests me about Drake is that he seems to have lost or forgotten his last name. Maybe he is one of those one name performers or maybe his mom told him to stop embarrassing her with his singing. "Don't use the family name, Drake"...or something.

There are a lot of one name singers I only know by their name because I don't listen to them sing. Maybe I would like them if I did, but I am uninterested in listening to anyone with less than to word in their name. Some of the one namers I have never heard sing, but know of the media swooning over them and speaking their one name are: Bork, 50 Cent (Huh?),  Beck, Mario, Coolio (maybe his parents were drunk when they name him), Flea (I'd rather scratch than listen to him), Xzbit (how do you pronounce that one?) Nelly, Shakia and on and on.

There are some one names I know because they have been persistent in their careers. Beyonce' is a good example. I don't want to hear her sing after listening to a filth monologue that declared her hate for police, whites and anything not related to the "black experience'. It's odd how she and other black performers express so much hatred for other races and yet are popular with young people who are members of the races they hate. I once saw an interview with Beyonce' and was startled at how inarticulate and uneducated she sounded. yet she is a beacon of modern culture, someone who leads.

Music is supposed to reflect the culture and civilization from which it comes. God help us if that is so. No wonder it is often said that music should be listened to and not analyzed. Anyone my age trying to analyze modern pop music has my best wishes, but when they take rest breaks I recommend they spin a few Beatle records to bring back their sanity.

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