Thursday, February 2, 2017

Year Of The Rooster

It's the year of the Rooster? Are you a rooster?  As I understand it according to the eastern calendar I am an ox. But then I hardly understand it.  But I do understand like dim sum. Give me credit for something. In the western zodiac I am in the sign of Sagittarius. I wonder if the Sag and the Ox have the same characteristics in those two zodiacs.  I was once told that I was an earth ox, but that Adolph Hitler was an earth ox too. It makes me want to fly to the moon.
Anyway, I do know that the purpose of the Chinese New Year was originally to be a farm holiday. The Chinese New Year was set to coincide with the slack time just before a new year of farm work begins, as a time of preparation . When most Chinese were farmers this made sense.  But now 55% of China's population is urban. I read once that the Chinese, as clever and adaptable as they are, changed the CNY from a farm to an urban holiday in response to changes in demographics. Instead of the old tradition of celebrating the start of a new year of farm work and praying for a good harvest, it has now evolved into celebrating the start of a new business year and wishing for profits and success in various vocations. Capitalism rules in the Chinese New Year rituals.
I sense that younger Chinese are moving away from traditions like the CNY, just as young western people are losing their own tradtional identity. I suppose the world is riding on a big wave of change now. It's too bad. Those goofy cell phones will never be as interesting as a red envelope or lantern. The world's traditions will continue to be scoffed at, ignored or an the very least, tolerated as time speeds forward and[people throw away their roots.. It's a shame. But today I will cock a doodle do in celebration of the year of the Rooster.

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