Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What About The Persecuted Christians?

The weeping liberal media and politicians daily cry about discrimination against Muslims, about how this country should allow amass immigration of the aggrieved Muslim population. It's a nobel protest. But what about Christians across the world, who face at least as great and perhaps even greater persecution? The cries are not at all from non Muslim victims. Why is persecution of Christian minorities across the world a non issue for the left and media today?

From the Coptics in Egypt and the “house churches” in China to the “subversives” in North Korea and the “apostates” in Pakistan, Christians are under fire on the international stage. Christian heads roll while the liberal American press and those who promote the idea of that press remain muted. Statistically,  Christians are the most persecuted group on the planet. Each month, about 322 Christians are killed, 214 churches or Christian properties are destroyed, and 772 acts of violence are carried out against Christians because of their faith (according to Open Doors, a nonprofit group that helps persecuted Christians). The fact is that liberals in the west have falsely labeled Christians elsewhere. Christians in the West have been somehow become identified as the oppressor class, and that view seems to be extended to Christians in the Middle East. It's probably because in this age of vacuous social media and twitter "news", the case for ignoring Christian persecution is the "trendy" factor.  That is, a liberal today sees supporting Muslim as being trendy but supporting Christians as "racist" behavior.

Another reason so many in the west think Muslims are persecuted and Christians not only not persecuted, but the persecutors is that of education deficits. Polls here in the west declare that the liberal activist (those who protest and boycott anything they personally don't like) segments of the West are ignorant of the persecution faced by Christians around the world. The most striking aspect of many liberal activists and their legion of clue less, sheepish followers is their lack of knowledge and or denial of  about that which they protest or concern themselves.

A Rasmussen survey this week shows this. 56 percent of Democrats who responded said Muslims in America are mistreated because of their faith, but only 47 percent said that Christians living in Islamic nations were discriminated against. Sixty two percent of Americans overall, and 76 percent of Republicans, said Christians are persecuted in countries where Islam is the dominant religion. If perception is reality, we are in trouble. Just listen to any air head Hollywood celebrity spout political hate and nonsense against any establishment doctrine and you can see a problem.

The loud mouthed but active Donald Trump promises to change that perception with policy set to fight all discrimination against all people everywhere. I suspect the liberal left here won't like that since the hero of the left, Barrack Obama, and the Obama administration failed to take any additional steps to alleviate the plight of Christians. More than 19,000 refugees from Syria were admitted to the United States during Mr. Obama’s tenure, for example, but less than one half of 1 percent of them were Christians. The policy of the left in recent years is "Christians who are persecuted m need not apply".

The war to educate the left about all who are victims of discrimination is just beginning. I hope it brings clarity and fairness to the subject. All people, Muslim and non Muslims alike should be regarded with the scale of fairness evenly weighed

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