Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Another Protest March

There was yet an other "protest" march the day after Donald Trump's inauguration as president. Protest marches are the platform for public tantrums. Though a few are legitimate, most seem to be social outings by uninformed, confused or angry people.  This one was the 'Women's March on Washington' (and sub Women's Marches) in many other cities).  My best guess for it was to bash Trump (every left wingers dream) and to claim that women are not treated as equals in the U.S. The marchers were calling for social justice". Hmmm Maybe instead of a questionable march here, those in the bubble marchers should visit Saudi Arabia or one of the many nations where women really are treated badly. The narrative ("The War On Women" concept) that women were discriminated against here started with the Democratic Party, which needed another "social justice' issue to motivate voters to elect them. However, it has become tired and stale now. No wonder a fellow like Trump is appealing to so many. His crude bluntness represents the opposite view of the march for everything crowd.

Anyway, nothing will come of the march because the march was about an imaginary cause. Still, it reflects the march mood today. It seems that whenever a person has a grievance, instead of exploring and learning whether the grievance is real and deserves attention, the complainant organizes a march. It's trendy, it's fun and it's a whole lot easier than sincerely addressing a complaint. Besides, politicians love marches too. they can identify with the cause and pick up some votes while doing it. This is the age of the protest. No sense to your cause is needed, as the Internet and a fawning media love to report anyone moving their feet forward and chanting "down with"....

I suppose people are attracted to useless marches because they fell too impotent to actually change whatever it is they don't like.  In the 80's the world sang and waved to the  Maracena. Today they don't sing, they just chant inanities and move forward,  misspelled signs galore. The problem is that the proliferation of ridiculous marches makes sensible marches seem trivial too. Too many bad apples hide the good ones. Need an example of an even less substantive one than the Women's March? In London they once marched for the right to feed pigeons in Trafalgar Square. (The pigeons pooped in protest too) In Berlin to protest global warming, two lone men stood alone in a field of snow. (No word if they froze to death, but I sure hope they did). A group of Canadian residents from Leader, Saskatchewan, protested against a fairly common complaint: poor road conditions. They posed nude in potholes, took photos and created a calendar of the gallery for sale to finance the road repair. (I am not sure if they sold any of the calendars because there idea was a bit of a "bumpy" ride).

You get the idea. The protest has been taken to a new level these days- downward. Real protests have been cheapened by trendy, silly ones. Many people roll their eyes and ignore the protest today because of it all.  Hey! Maybe I should protest that.

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