Friday, January 6, 2017

2017, The Year Of The Politically Incorrect

It's time for my 'It happened in 2017' review. I know the year has yet to happen. But I have the power of observation that enables me to tell you what will happen before it does. Stop laughing and read what will occur in the first three months of 2017!  It will be a year dominated by politically correct imbeciles, the Year of the PC

January- On the 15th, left wing liberals demand that Donald Trump be impeached from office. When told that he has yet to be sworn in and that Obama is the one messing up, they cry and chant "No fair, No fair' again- At a Chinese New Year celebration in San Francisco, protesters chant and smash restaurant windows in opposition to the fortune cookies being served to diners.  A new politically correct action group forms to stop "racism" against Asian culture but is laughed at after praising Kung Fu movies as the height of Asian purity.- National Nothing Day, January 16th, is not noticed or celebrated because the world's cell phones forget it and because users are already essentially brain dead  and in a state of nothingness anyway.- When President Trump remarks that more than 75% of the babies born in Detroit are born to unmarried women, it is considered to be “politically correct” to suggest that there is anything wrong with that. An impeachment of Trump movement is formed- All over the U.S., the term “manhole” is being replaced with the terms “utility hole” or “maintenance hole”. But Trump riles the PC action by calling all of them "Assholes"- After pressure from the LGBT lobby, President Trump appoints an LGBT rest room Czar and is placed in impeachment proceedings by his own party- Liberal Democrats blame Trump for the end of January and declare he wants to destroy the calendar

February- On Valentine's Day the world is stunned by news that a man in England is murdered after giving his girl friend a VD gift of a subscription to Environmentalist Monthly instead of the species endangering mink Coat she asked for.- Mardi Gras is canceled by organizers when a huge feminist PC  protest demands the end of "Mardi Gras Kings" and replacement of them with Transgender Monarchs.- When one Non Binary customer at Wal mart sets himself on fire in protest of not being able to pee because of the absence of any Non Binary rest room Wal mart declares the end of sex. Patrons note that people have been confused about sex so much during the Obama PC era that it actually only exists on the porno cable channels.- California follows its policy of issuing illegal immigrants drivers licenses with a mandate that all residents with a net worth of $100,000 or more must  give their homes to illegal immigrants because "it would be racist" to not do so.- Non Hispanic Californians start a mass illegal immigration to Mexico.- The Barbie Doll is banned by the Supreme Court because "It hurts the feelings of little boys who want to be little girls"

March- President Trump (they haven't yet impeached him) cancels the Obama administration order that the military that forced a policy in which U.S. soldiers are instructed to avoid “any criticism of pedophilia” and to avoid criticizing “anything related to Islam”. Huge numbers of the military defect to Islam and the Man/Boy Club.- Leftists in the Democratic Party organize an impeachment of Trump for not supporting pedophile rights and the right of Muslim terrorists to practice their religion through bombings.- The Obama  instituted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission policy that says it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals because it has a disproportionate effect on minority groups  and forces a criminal rights movement in the U.S. Congress. But  Hillary Clinton and a host of other crooks announce they are insulted because criminals already control the U.S. Congress.-  Those 'privacy screens' PC advocates successfully implemented on San Francisco library computers so that perverts can continue to exercise their “right” to watch pornography at the library without children being exposed to it, are seen in Congress, the Supreme Court and at every Catholic Church in America.- One local chapter of the Girl Scouts celebrates National Girl Scout Day by engaging in Sumo Wrestling, fart contests and other traditional male role play. Not to be outdone, the Hollywood chapter of the Boy Scouts wear dresses at their Scout meetings.

That's the first three months of 2017 in this PC world. I'll let you be surprised about April through December. Remember to always fight against those white, male Christians because they are "racist" and hate "diversity".

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