Monday, September 19, 2016

Phony Drugs

The latest sham of miracle drugs is Cogniq. The so called "Viagra for the brain" is yet another phony drug that claims to  give you supreme focus, concentration, boost your working memory, put you in a good mood, and be free of side effects. Hmmm I could sure use that. But sadly those kinds of attributes are the product of genetics and how one trains his or her mind during the course of life. In fact, Cogniq is a mix of ordinary supplements like ginkgo, St. John's Wort,  bacopin, vinpocetine, acetyl l-carnitine, phosphatidylserine, glutamine and even caffeine.  The claims are bogus, the drug a waste of money, and yet it is selling big time because ...well..stupid people will believe anything.

Why do people think there is a miracle pill to make them smart? I think it's because that believe it are stupid. The makers of Cogniq have created a number of web sites than mimic. real ones to promote their product. One for example, is a close address of There, allegedly, physicist Stephen Hawking is interviewed by a CNN reporter. Hawking is quoted as saying that Cogniq is going to "change humanity". It quotes trendy celebrity who allegedly claim they use it and it makes them "twice as smart". In reality, none the claims are real. Cogniq is another expensive waste of money that the gullible are quick to rush.

Cogniq is just one of many phony drugs that humans spend billions on each year. The drugs are a false hope that replace the very real way humans can improve themselves, through hard work and study. So I say to heck with those medications. Why ,we need is a stupid pill. Yep! I know most of us are already fairly stupid. But just think how orderly society would be if we gave the stupid pill to those in society who are dangerous because of their faults. The Kardashian family could be medicated out of our lives! Wow! That alone makes the stupid pill worthy.

We already have medications that dull or damage the brain. Remember the lobotomy procedures that literally killed tissue in the brain?  Of course the problem is how do we convince people to take a stupid pill? How about making it part of  a cell phone app. Most people are addicted to those idiotic apps. They could be convinced that the stupid pill is the next PokemonGo. By dumbing down humanity we can create a real stupidity world-wide, as opposed to the cell phone, reality TV, air head celebrity stupidity that so many today embrace. Down with brain power and more power to stupidity!

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