Saturday, September 3, 2016

Cultural Death Spiral

Some random observations regarding what I noticed the past few days, in order to further make the case I rant from time to time- that culture and civilization are dying in the United States and most other places in the world.  You do notice how culture has devolved into a lowest common denominator? If not look at; music (rap, hip hop, teen noise as the norm), communication (people not engaging in thought provoking conversation, but rather, texting and tweet non sequitors about "nothing", most often in nearly illiterate form), film (forget "art films" that made us think beyond the obvious, now we have violent, special effect driven, story line absent pabulum),  etiquette (what is the norm for manners today? Why, it's "though shalt worship thy cell phone and the me first agenda). I could go on, but no need. I already feel the venting I have done here makes me feel better.

Observation number one is the political bumper sticker I saw yesterday. It defines our current political situation, that being that politics is so corrupt, PC, and out of touch with reality  that the voter feels no desire or hope it will ever again normalize. The bumper sticker said, 'Hillary For Prison. 2016'  I like it! That a thorough moral reprobate and phony will be elected as the next U.S. President says a lot about the decline of the U.S.  I do hope Hillary is served justice and finds a prison cell soon enough.

Then there was the shirt I saw (second time for this one) in a Ross store. The employee in charge of watching for shoplifters had the employee short that said 'Loss Prevention'. Those uniforms used to say what they meant, 'Theft Protection', but this ia a politically correct world, one in which language is altered to  push the agenda of not "hurting feelings" by speaking the truth.

A third observation is from my local newspaper, The Oregonian. The article revealing our cultural decadence said that A 17-year-old student at South Eugene High School in Oregon was surprised over the weekend during the shooting of her senior photos along the Willamette River: A naked man suddenly emerged from the brush behind Jillian Henry. But she wasn't outraged or offended. Instead, Jillian posted  the naked shot with the caption "love my senior pics 😊," on  the venue that may most reveal how culture has been replaced with insignificance, Twitter. Her post stirred more than  75,000 retweets and 150,000 likes in the first two days it was posted. Somehow I suspect that the idiots who were supportive of the naked guy and his photographer are not the best educated citizens on this planet.

I'll let those three state my case that as rule, the world is in trouble with this self immolating behavior that is becoming the norm. Face it! A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness as accepted fact, bad manners, and  a lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, and of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot. May we R.I.P......

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