Monday, August 8, 2016

Pope Francis Takes On The PC Police

Pope Francis may be the Donald Trump of popes. He can't sit still and zip his lip when speaking will only bring more misery to himself.  Need a few examples? He has said that; all dogs go to heaven when they die, that Syrian refugees should be allowed to go to any country in any number they wish, and be given instant citizenship; that "It's not true that to be a good Catholic "you have to be like rabbits." Instead "responsible parenthood" requires that couples regulate the births of their children; that if a couple opts to not have children it is a "selfish choice"; said that his native Argentina is suffering from a Mexicanization (he mean that Argentina was being ruined by drugs, and crime are pouring into the country); that he has praised the Palestinian nation while condemning Israel as a troublemaker; that he believes the spread of genetically modified crops is destroying ecosystems.

Ok, that's a sample. Francis , for better or worse has even more opinions than I! Not that's troublesome. The latest though is one surely to get Francis in trouble with the PC police. You see, he has dared to break the 11th commandment of wacky liberalism, "Thou shout not criticize a tranny". What Francis said was that he feels pain that children are being taught at school that gender can be a choice, adding that his predecessor, Benedict XVI has labeled current times “the epoch of sin against God the Creator.”

Oh my! Pope Francis has insulted all the trannies of the world and the concept of convincing a small child that he or she is not a he or she, but rather a what...or something. “We are living a moment of annihilation of man as image of God. ”Francis said: “Today, in schools they are teaching this to children — to children! — that everyone can choose their gender.”  Wow! It's a good thing they didn't tell Francis that he had to install transsexual bathrooms in the Vatican.

And who is at fault for this PC tranny revolution? He blamed this on textbooks supplied by “persons and institutions who donate money.” The pope blamed what he called “ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries” which he didn't identify. One such “colonization” he said — “Ill say it clearly with its first and last name — is gender.” 

He's got a point, I think.  The PC police has begun colonizing the world with idiocy and false "choices" like deciding to abandon male and female sexuality for the transgender. The left PC agenda is more often advanced with inane choices like that than through serious battles. But I welcome the religious leader of the world's Catholics to the War on Political Correctness. This could be fun.

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