Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Get Rid Of Synchronized Swimming

Can you explain this to me? Why has the International Olympic Committee banished wrestling from the next Olympics  in 2020 while continuing to keep synchronized swimming in the Games?  That's right. Wrestling, a sport that goes back to times before the Greek Olympics, is out and that synchronized swimming mess is in. Wrestling, a sport in every sense, one that values strength and contact is out, and that silly sideshow of water dancing is in. There's no question the synchronized women are athletic, muscled, agile women. But let's put them in a swimming race or some other sport, not in synchronized swimming. They are embarrassing the whole concept of international sports.

Many argue that synchronized swimming isn't a sport. It's like that other silly event in the Olympics, rhythmic gymnastics. I agre with them.  But now they allow men to do that event  too. In my view the reality of synchronized swimming is like reality TV, a manufactured exhibition masking as a sport. It involves huge amounts of beauty make-up and beauty contest looks which make any trace of attempted athleticism disappear. Yes, those lovely girlie thighs do strain with effort and we men like to look at the pretty ladies in the pool, but I'm distracted by the twirling toes and the bleached teeth framed by painted on beauty pageant smiles.  Where is the athleticism? It's more like an act one would see in Vegas. Hmmm Maybe they should saw the ladies in half in the pool like they do at magic shows. I would watch that!

How unlike sport is synchronized swimming? This is how.  At the Beijing Olympics a pair of Chinese twins who came in fourth overall, performed a four minute routine entitled "Little Birds Jumping and Flying Happily." It didn't make me happy. During their turn to synchronize for us, the Canadians blew water from their mouths, as if they were comely fountains spouting water. Canada should be banned form the U.N. for that alone! I hope the Canadian government will take away their synchronized swimming working cards.

The Russians, who won the Beijing gold medal wore swimsuits with so many weird sequins that it was hard to see what they were actually doing. They must be the Liberace inspired synchrnized swimmers. That did it for me. I vowed after Beijing to change the channel and vomit if synchronized swimming ever again appeared on my TV. I know that synchronized swimming takes hours and hours of training  and endurance for each routine, but so does doing the Tango. Do we make an event in the Olympics for tango dancers?

Whenever I fall asleep watching too much of the Olympic Games on TV  I always dream of a burly and angry wrestler wringing the neck of a synchronized swimmer. Now that's an Olympic event that would really be worth watching.

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