Friday, August 19, 2016

Confused Human

Even I sometimes wonder why I hate those cell phones so much, and why I refuse to use most of the electronic gadgets that everyone else is addicted to. I can not, or don't want to, keep up with the latest communication device. If a time machine were available I surely would go back to the 50's 60's or 70's when humans were not robot appendages who stopped thinking for themselves because...well...they don't have time for thinking anymore. After all, there are so many mindless cell phone apps available to make life more bearable.

I am pretty sure the reason for my aversion to modern communication is that it is because those devices give me too many choices and to much information. If you put a child into a rom with several jars of delicious cookies, and don't put any restrictions on the kid, nor provide a code of etiquette for him, I am guessing he is going to quickly have a bad tummy ache. From my detached view (I use very few modern communication devices aside from this desktop computer) I think modern humans have tummy aches too.

They live their lives in an alternative world, call it cell purgatory. It's an underworld where the person thinks his cell is helping him improve his human experiences but instead is merely taking him or her away from real human contact. Perhaps this is why we have so much trouble assimilating relevant information. Our choices sometimes seem to counter conventional reason, making us shift core beliefs quicker than Hillary Clinton can lie. (That's Fast!)

The pace of change today does baffle me. Before I have time to rant, "Wait! You're making a mistake", the change has already become the new standard. Don't humans need to change slowly as a way of vetting whether the change is necessary or an illusion?  In 2102, for example, both Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton declared that same sex marriage was wrong. They spoke in their campaign debate that they thought "marriage should be between a male and female". Now both believe the opposite, and now both even declare that transgender bathrooms are a "basic right"? Being trendy does help in politics. But I still am trying to figure out how someone can have a third sex called "transgender"?

Everyone should have a core of beliefs and they do differ, but today those beliefs are situational and very fleeting. Baskin Robin invented the flavor of the month. Today we have a social norm of the month, often set by the more extreme of outsiders in the society. My determination to resist the devices that make communication an illusion has and will lend me to ridicule. But I see that ridicule as an affirmation that I am not yet a slave to mindless texting, twittering, and the rest.  Being out of step with the world today may be the best step one can make to keeping a foot in reality.

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