Monday, February 1, 2016


There are too many labels used to describe others. My head spins when I hear them and they confuse me so much. I think this is an American phenomenon, probably a mostly liberal one.  Liberals like to label people to "make them feel better", but they actually alienate them from the general masses those that they label. labels are bad but we are used to the labels we have used for centuries and everyone understands what they mean. Why does the politically correct crowd (but I confess that I like the "politically correct" label) insist that we rename people, places and things to those that further stereotype what they have re labeled?

"Developmentally disabled", for instance, is a label for what we used to call 'cripples".  If you call someone developmentally disabled it's like hinting that they have some mysterious malady  and that we should avoid them because of it. So the average person on hearing that thinks they should run from the developmentally disabled person they were introduced too. The bible says people who are crippled are "cripples".  But the politically correct liberal crowd won't let us use that term. Maybe they will eventually rename the bible too.

Some of the more ridiculous labels used to disguise what a person is and should be proud of are: "little people" for midgets, "visually impaired" for blind, "special education" for the tried and true "retarded", "native American" for Indian, "hearing impaired" for deaf, "challenged" instead of handicapped,  "undocumented immigrant" instead of illegal immigrant, "person of color"  instead of black, "person of interest' instead of  suspected criminal, "plump" or "chunky" for fat,  and on and on............

They say they use these politically correct labels to prevent stereotyping, but I think the labels are so absurd that they make it hard to take the person being labeled seriously. they define that person by the label and not by the totality of their person. They stereotype the stereotypes. The labels allows the intellectually lazy to define anything they way they like, not the way it is. Don't the politically correct idiots realize that by labeling they separate. It's no wonder the language has become a minefield. "minefield" ok?  I do want to be politically correct about this....

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