Monday, July 13, 2015

Awarding What?

Did you see that ESPN, the world's leading sports broadcast network, is giving Caitlin (Bruce) Jenner an award for courage? He is being given the Arthur Ashe Courage Award for....well...I am not sure what. But I suspect it's because he told the world that he no longer considers himself to be a male anymore. That's it.  He didn't dodge bullets in combat or risk his life saving a drowning child. He switched sexes.  I get the connection between ESPN and the award winner in that he was he 1976 Olympic Gold medal winner in the decathlete event. But ESPN didn't award him anything for sports achievements.

I used to be that you had to do something to get an award. Is changing one's sex an act of courage? I guess in these times courage is defined as whatever the trendy decide it to be. The Jenner award makes about as much sense as when the Nobel Prize Committee gave the 2009  Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barrack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Committee said that Obama should get it (he had barely been sworn in as U.S. President and had no accomplishments when the award was given) because of his "vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons." Really? Have they checked Obama's vision lately?  Obama has been a  dud as president and more wars and killing rages around the world now that at any other time in world history, largely because most of the world sees Obama for what he is, a weak and incompetent president who promotes peace by hiding from his responsibility to ensure it.

I suspect that Jenner got his award because it is cool now to support alternate life styles, and that Obama was given the award because simply he is black. People who are born of black skin are said by the left to be deserving of things like awards because people of white skin "oppress" them.  But praising people for nothing is as common today as is elevating reality TV "stars" to their current sanctified state. The culture is dying and its vision is so cloudy that it knows not what is and what is not.

Perhaps the many bizarre awards just reflect the confusion in which we live today. The left, which has created and nurtured the Age of Confusion in which we live, apparently finds reality too painful. It seeks to alter it by changing our language to be more politically correct, denying the unpleasant and by insisting anyone who challenges its view is a "bigot" or worse..a "Republican".  Recently, for example,  the left wing that runs the state of New York banned the words "dinosaurs," "birthdays," "Halloween" and dozens of other topics on city issued tests. That is because they fear such topics "could evoke unpleasant emotions in the students", which would make them fail the tests.

There are tens of thousands of similar disconnects from reality throughout the world today. We in the U.S. are not alone in the sewer of political correctness. Sigh....I think the inmates are taking over the world, and I don't know where I fit.  It sure is less fair and fun out there than it used to be.

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