Monday, June 22, 2015

On Father's day

Another Father's Day has come and gone. And most people did not even know it passed.  Such is life for dad, the parent who is often ignored, overlooked, scorned and pitied.  So unimportant is dad that in the U.S. it was not until 1972 that Father's Day was officially made a holiday. And though some nations do celebrate Father's Day, compared to Mother's Day it is a non event. I wonder why dad is so little recognized in so many places on earth.

Perhaps because it is mom who conceives, carries and delivers a child that the world tends to think of a child as "mom's baby" and dad as.....well the guy who rents a room in mom's house, I guess. Hmmm Science should try to find a way for males to be the pregnant partner (oh my, guys with breasts that give milk) so the domestic favoritism for the female can be put to rest. Uh, I think I'll pass on being one of those pregnant dads, but surely there are a whole flock of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner types that will relish the new arrangement. Thank of how the world population bomb could be defused if women were impregnating the men and smiling as the male suffered through nine months of agony. I suspect many women might not dislike the role switch and we would have far fewer babies birthed each year.

Forget the popular notion that women are treated as the inferior sex! We men know that women rule the home and the world. Is it not the job of the dad to make mom happy, and will she not make his life miserable if he does not?  But sometimes she makes his life miserable anyway. Gee, I have to admit that women are talented. And from birth the female is regarded as the superior sex. 

As babies, girls are seen as "sugar and spice and everything nice". Boys are "little monsters" (as opposed to the big monsters we are as adults).  For little girls there is 'Take Your Daughter To Work Day' every year. But they leave the boys at home, which implies they are inferior creatures. Are not male grade school students lectured on the evils of the male and forced (sometimes the ladies tie us to chairs to make us listen) while schools propagandize the class with lessons highlighting "female contributions to the world" (It's where I learned  from my teacher, Old Lady Jones, that a woman invented the airplane, the automobile and even that device implanted in male brains that makes us say "Yes, Dear" to all female commands). Why even TV shows display the mom as a renaissance woman who handles every matter, big and small, with aplomb while retarded dad can barely tie his shoelaces or find his way to the rest room (I am working on mastering the tying thing).

This discrimination against males also continues after high school. Those college brochures are filled with pictures of women, almost ignoring the existence of the inferior male. This reinforces the commonly held notion that women are not only much smarter than men, but they are so smart they make the male think otherwise. If a male is ever accepted to a university (I hear a few have been admitted) they are quick to notice the endless numbers and varieties of organizations on campus that are only for women. Most are anti male in orientation. And the scholarships the colleges give to students always favor the ladies. Why have you ever heard of a man who was offered to "lay for an A" like female students have done for decades?

After graduation and before enslavement as a woman's property in the marriage thing, a man quickly finds that the workplace is female oriented too. Instead of the male approach in which the man says "let's do this", the boss (always a woman) will quickly demand that the inferior male adapt to the collaborative, touchy-feely, team oriented decision making process that women prefer. And who gets promoted faster on the job?  It's those sexy female interns who seem to spend a whole lot of extra time with the female boss' male associate. I wonder what they are doing alone with that guy?

Finally comes marriage (voluntary enslavement of the male) and fatherhood. I can't even begin to describe the degradation of the dad during this stage, but he goes to his grave willingly like a cancer patient acknowledges he has lost! He surrenders. It's better that I just wish all  fathers a 'Happy Father's Day' and warn them that there is no escape for them. Oh, just in case I wasn't clear in my exposition on dad, I WAS JUST KIDDING ABOUT ALL THIS.

If a white male gets hired, he’ll likely quickly learn that women’s approaches to work-- collaborative, team-oriented, exploratory of feelings--is viewed as superior to men’s competitive goal-orientedness. If a man dare says, “Enough of this processing of feelings, let’s just get on with it,” he’ll usually be viewed as Neanderthal if not fired for “not fitting in” or for not being “a team player. - See more at:
When boys start to look into college, the very first thing they see are the colleges’ brochures and websites, with far more pictures of women - See more at:
Starting in elementary school, boys are made to feel inferior. Take Your Daughter to Work Day implied to boys that they count less. Endless lessons highlighting the contributions of women (from Pocahontas to Rosa Parks to Hillary Clinton) and the evils of men (from Hannibal to Hitler to McCarthy) make boys feel inferior. That inferiority is reinforced when they come home from school and see TV shows and movies with Doofus Dads or Scuzzball Sams being put in their place by Wise Women. In the effort to boost girls’ self-esteem, boys’ are destroyed. - See more at:

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