Monday, June 15, 2015

Mass Migration Of The Poor

The world is in chaos. Ok, I know you already knew that. It has long been chaos in so many ways, but a more recent one is the migrant chaos. Millions of mostly poor and  uneducated people are leaving overpopulated and impoverished third world countries for richer developed areas. And they are doing it without permission.  The reasons for the migration out, the illegal immigration,  include corrupt governments at home, broken economies, religious or ethnic conflicts, wars etc. But at the root of the movement is overpopulation. The overpopulated third world is exporting its surplus of poor to the developed world.

When hundreds of millions of poor, illiterate in their own language, and unskilled people pour into a developed world it creates problems for everyone there. The new nation must care for them with expensive social and economic programs that are a burden to the working, taxpaying of the developed nation. Schools in the developed nations, for example, are flooded with students who can not speak the language of the new country, and this causes teaching to be directed at the newcomers who "are behind' the rest. The native student population suffers as a result.

Problem is, none of the developed nations can  nor has the will to regulate the illegal immigration. The current political tone in the developed nations is that anyone should be allowed to live wherever he or she wishes.  The two wealthiest areas of the globe have already been severely damaged by the influx of too many illegals. The U.S has tried to absorb almost 50 million of them, largely central American poor, who "can't even make it in their own countries" The social disruption of so many low functioning newcomers coming at the same time can be seen all over America.

In Western Europe the story is similar, except that there are other unique elements injected by the (mostly Mid eastern and African immigrants) that make it even a worse situation for European economies that are already in debt. The rise of Muslim fanaticism in Europe is a good example of this extra problem, for the Muslim immigrants in Europe have been far more militant and in opposition to traditional European culture and habit.

Even barely developed nations like Greece see a huge number of desperate illegal migrants, further straining the economy and social structure. Once when in China I remember being shown a section of Shenyang, China that contains almost 1 million illegal North Korean migrants. The Chinese state allows them to stay because they, like the other recipient areas, don't know how to contain the influx.

All of these movements will continue and grow in number as the underdeveloped countries are so bad off, so overpopulated,  and so abject economically that there is little to lose in making a dangerous and difficult journey for what the migrant perceives as a better life. And sadly,  those who leave their homes are the greatest victims of  mess we call planet Earth.

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