Thursday, June 4, 2015


I just discovered that May was National Hamburger Month, and that at the end of May, May 28th, it was National Hamburger Day.  Hamburgers were not first cooked in the U.S. (they started in Germany but the first burgers on buns were American) , but for anyone who has ever had a hamburger outside of the U.S. it's usually not a tasty experience. The fast food chains, mostly American but also their foreign counterparts, are what an American will find in other countries. They are not what a true hamburger is about.  It's not wonder that some snooty foreigners lift their eyebrow and express disdain for the all mighty burger. They don't know the taste of a real hamburger.

Americans eat almost 50 billion burgers a year, which is the equivalent of three burgers a week for every person in the United States. That's too much for me. If I have one every two weeks I am satiated, but what I dislike is the trend for burger sellers to add so much "junk" to the burgers they serve. You name the topping and it has probably been put on top of a hamburger. That, in my view, is what has given some foreigners a bad reputation for hamburgers. The worst trend is the so-called spicy burger. All that spice isn't good for a burger. Burgers should be eaten al natural.  Besides, people who love hot sauces and other sources of heat probably don't even taste the meat. Maybe they should just drink their hot sauce straight from the bottle and leave the dead cow meat alone.

I like to cook my own hamburgers and the way I do it is simple and in keeping with letting the meat carry the taste. I like a burger seared at high heat on both sides, cooked medium are and I want my burger with a high fat content ( 20% is best) and served on a bun that holds the burger with onions that have been sautéed in butter. That's it. No spicy seasonings (just salt) no vegetables other than those onions...simple, basic burger in which the meat carries the day. I never buy any meat except beef and try to cover the taste with condiments. Even better is a barbecued burger. The charcoal gives it a special taste when the cook doesn't overcook the burger.

Here are some burger toppings that make me want to run and hide:  Gouda cheese, bacon (put bacon on your burger and you should be put in prison) panchetta, avocado, ketchup, lettuce wrap instead of a bun, French Fries, Brussels sprouts, peanut butter, chard, salsa, spinach and artichoke dip, pickles, chilies, mushrooms. egg............Ah, just about anything other than those sautéed' onions.

And then there are those crazy people who want double or triple burgers. Why don't they just eat a steak. Bigger is not definitely not better with hamburgers. I could go on about the noble burger but  I think I'll leave you and eat one instead.

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