Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Robbery Or Social Media Addiction?

How stupid can an internet social media addict be? Dominyk Alfonseca might be the archetype of that.  Dominyk staged a robbery of a Virginia bank...sort of.  He handed the bank teller a note asking for her to give him $150,000 of the bank's money. Dominyk said he left the bank with a bag of money. Within half an hour, Virginia Beach police officers found him and arrested him charging him with robbery. Uh, Dominyk claims that the robbery was just for show, not reality.

The "maybe" robber posted pictures and a video of the robbery on his Instagram account showing the note he gave to a teller at the branch Monday, as well as the teller piling money on the counter. "For real, I didn't even do it for money, you understand? I didn't do that for money. I knew my page would get exposure."  He said he hoped by posting the items to Instagram, he would get the attention of "certain people", some of whom had stolen ideas from him during the course of several years. Exactly what he hoped to accomplish once he had their attention, he wouldn't specify. But then Dominyk might not only be addicted to Instagram, but also a bit stupid.

Well, he's been charged with bank robbery, not with social media addiction. Dominyk says he just want publicity and and that "justice will be served all around when he is set free as the prosecutor realizes he didn't mean to rob a bank. Maybe Dominyk can find a lawyer to plead a "social media addiction" defense. With so much evidence every day of humans lost in their virtual world, unable to differentiate between reality and lunacy, it might be a winning defense. Who among us hasn't witnesses similar acts of  irrational behavior by a raging cell phone texter? A jury might relate to that and let Dominiyk go (further into his life of fantasy). It's all kinda sad, I must say.

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