Thursday, May 21, 2015

Naked Gardening Day

You can tell that May is here. The weather gets warmer and people are out working in their gardens. Uh, some of them outside forget to put their pants on, it seems. That's because since 2005, when some fellow in Seattle, Washington came up with the idea for this holiday, the first Saturday in May is celebrated by some as 'Naked Gardening Day' (I swear that I am typing this while fully clothed). It's supposed to be a holiday celebrating gardening "as nature intended."  But I am not sure my neighbors would approve if I was daffy enough to try that.

Why garden naked? According to the web site that sponsors Naked Gardening Day , we should do it because "it's fun" and secondly, it's apparently the second activity families would consider doing together in the nude. (Not that! Swimming is the first.)  The site says that, "Our culture needs to move toward a healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment. Gardening naked is not only a simple joy, it reminds us, even if only for those few sun kissed minutes, that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet."

Apparently, England is the place where the Naked Gardeners can be seen more often....if you want to look at that sort of sight. But people from all around the world are encouraged to find an opportunity to strip and tend to whatever garden they have access to, even if it's  gardening in full public view.

The web site says if you get naked and pull weeds you should share  your experiences of doing it experience with "someone close".  (or perhaps the police officer who arrested you for breaking the public nudity laws of your city) The Naked Gardening Day site claims that " If people tried gardening naked once, they would smile. Not only would they smile, but they'd see that nudity is actually a pleasant and inherently good thing. Either that or they might find an opportunity to garden  in the patch adjacent to the prison cell they have been assigned by the judge who likes his cucumbers clothed.

I'll pass on Naked gardening Day. It seems that May is also the month for more reverential holidays I should honor. There's Lumpy Rug Day, Candied Orange Peel Day, Fatigue Syndrome Day, Dance Like A Chicken Day and No Dirty Dishes Day that will occupy too much of my time for me to get naked in the petunias.

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