Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Films

I turned on my TV a few times this past Easter weekend because I am hooked on those old Easter films. Only at Easter do I love 'Ben Hur', 'The Robe' or 'The Ten Commandments'.  They are old films in that there was a flurry of them made in the early sixties that dealt with everything in the Christian religion that even remotely relates to the crucifixion of Christ. Religion was more relevant and attended to in that generation. Oh, and also, in the late 40's there was also a number good non religious themed  Easter films, as in he famous Irving Berlin musical 'Easter Parade'. 

But I want to write here about the view of religion that Hollywood portrayed.  They are often a bit dated and corny, but the cinematic effect is spectacular. I am not sure in today's economy any studio would spend such an enormous amount on a religious related film. The cost of the costumes and sets in those films would make even Bill Gates say that it costs too much too make. They would tank at the box office because when people see a movie today they want boobs and violence, not  lessons on the sacrifice of Christ.

Today's audience is more interested in shallow stories told with a violent edge that display today's computer generated special effects.  Are films today rarely touch deeper emotions or make the watcher think too much. You don't have to think too much to see a modern movie. Anyway, some of those old religious oriented Easter films were long, exceedingly longgggggggggggggg. One of the best of the I saw this year (I only endured about an hours worth of it) is the classic 'The Greatest Story Ever Told'. In it Max Von Sydow portrays Jesus for more than 4 hours. 

It also featured  that also Charlton Heston, who I think may be God because of the many times he appeared as Jesus in religious films, as John the Baptist. It chronicles the life of Christ from Nativity to Resurrection. I don't know if any of the content is true, but it would be nice if it were.

Even the cynics out there who don't believe in the Christian story of Jesus will watch some of those old Easter films because they, and the believers, both understand but accept that the story lines are often not just inaccurate, but ridiculous. Hmmmm I think if God ever saw any of them he would euthanize humanity for offending him (or her). Then again, God might be so entertained and amused by them that he could give us a pass.  Religion can be painful! If churches would make their services and obligations to the flock as entertaining as the old Easter films are,  they would see their membership explode.

I'll spare you a list of late 50's/60's big budget Easter films.  There are plenty out there and you can Google it yourself  to check out some clips on Yu Tube.  That's as much as a heathen like me can do to promote the religion of Easter themed films, and you can't crucify me if you hate them.

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