Friday, April 17, 2015

70th Anniversary Of The Jewish Holocaust

This month marks the 70th anniversary of the German Holocaust against European Jews and "other undesirables". It's heartwarming to see descendants of many of those Jews murdered in the Holocaust waving the flag of the state of Israel, right on the grounds of some of the notorious death camps like Auschwitz.  The fact that Israel was created after the Holocaust as a protective state for people of the Jewish fate is itself a good thing.

But anti Semites is on the rise among not only the Muslims who have long vowed to carry out plans for today's Jews that resemble the plans of Hitler during the 30's and 40's, but also by Christian and non faith individuals and groups that see evil behind every star of David. It is puzzling. Most of the new anti semitism is in Europe. Polls indicate that at least 150 million Europeans harbor anti Semitic or extreme anti Israel views. Sometimes people who fail to achieve their own goals seek an enemy on which to blame their failure. But why people of Jewish faith?

Most of the organized protests against Jews are by Muslims, non Muslims tending to discriminate more quietly.  But despite strong anti hate laws in Europe, most European nations take no action against the anti semites. It is not an uncommon site in some European countries when a non Jew shouts "dirty Jew", "Hitler should have finished the job". "All Jews to the gas chamber" or some the other hateful expression. Older Europeans remark that the same kind of vocal assault was what preceded the Nazi programs of Jewish extermination.

This is different from the Nazi era hate against Jews in that it is not launched by a government but by, theologically fueled terrorists (both Muslim and Non Muslim).  Many European Jews are feeling the apathy of the authorities and general population against such behavior and noting that it is the same type of  apathy that encouraged Hitler in the  to create the genocide pogroms of the 1940s. Politicians should do more than mouth sympathetic words of support for Jews, they should attempt to enforce laws that will help wipe it out.

Some forms of hate never seem to change, but this one must.  One atrocity against an innocent minority is a stain on humanity, a repeat would be a denial of the basic decency of humans.

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