Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mardi Gras Costume Videos

The times are a changing, really fast too. But traditions keep us more grounded in the present, even when the rest of the culture is racing ahead with its changes. The reason I thought about this is because I noticed on the New Orleans newspaper dot com site ( a video a reader posted that was shot in 1954. It has views (in color too....imagine that) of random costumes that one reveler recorded with his ancient video camera on Mardi Gras Day 1954.

It's quite interesting as a cultural history of people that celebrated Mardi Gras more than 60 years ago. But how different were the costumes and attitudes shown on that old video from one  that was more recently shot? You have to look at the two links below to form your own opinion as to what changes you see and what similarities. The second video was taken Mardi Gras Day 2009 (55 years later than the first video) also in New Orleans, and it is a recording by one person of a few of the costumes seen that day.

Go ahead and view them.....I''ll wait for you and resume my remarks when you are finished.


Oh you're back! What did you see in the two years that is different and what is the same? Does the similarity of the two make you think, as I do, that traditions keep us fixed in time, or that they at least show that we can revert to the expectations of tradition. Either way, I think Mardi Gras and other traditional events are good for the people who participate. They reflect on the past and embrace it in an active way, beyond just knowing the past or thinking about it momentarily. Because we participate the same way we learn to appreciate, maybe even adopt some of the behaviors of the former time.

I could be wrong, so you tell me what you think. Happy Mardi Gras from both year 1954 and 2009.

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