Sunday, February 8, 2015

Doctors Just Say No To Some Kids

There are some odd people out there (besides me). I prefer to the segment of loonies who  embrace trendy and political correctness way too much. In the U.S. there are even some people still choose not to have their children vaccinated against all those deadly diseases that used to kill and maim so many children during pre vaccination days. Do I need to write that vaccine immunization has been proven time and time again to be both very safe and extremely effective? The "I don't want my kid vaccinated type because it may make my child ill, even autistic" not only compromise their child's health based on faulty information, but they contribute to a herd mentality against immunization..

So now a growing number of  pediatricians have been parting ways with patients of theirs who refuse to vaccinate (If banned by one doctor, the parent can easily find another doctor who will treat their child). If the child has not been vaccinated the parent will have to go elsewhere, since those doctors won't see unvaccinated children. It's good to see doctors stepping up against ignorance to try to push irresponsible parents to make better choices for their little ones. For example, In a study of Connecticut pediatricians published last year, some 30% of 133 doctors said they had asked a family to leave their practice for vaccine refusal, and a recent survey of 909 Midwestern pediatricians found that 21% reported discharging families for the same reason. Bravo!

Having an unvaccinated child in a doctor's waiting room full of other children, some sick is dangerous for both the unvaccinated child and the other people in the waiting room. And sending unvaccinated kids to school and other public places is irresponsible (some schools in the U.S.  are now refusing admittance to kids who do not show proof of vaccination) There's also an issue of trust. If parents don't trust their doctor's medical advice on one subject, why would they trust them on another? There should be a high level of trust there between doctor and patient.

Ok, now for the opposing view that says no doctor should refuse any patient for any reason. Some people don't vaccinate their children in spite of all the good information about the benefits of vaccinations because humans do a stupid things that fly in the face of reason, as in smoking cigarettes (the greatest single cause of bad health). Doctors treat smokers, so why not the unvaccinated. Secondly, one might ask why punish the child by refusing medical care simple because the parent is an idiot.

So what do you think? Is it right or wrong for a doctor to ban unvaccinated kids from a particular doctor's office?

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