Friday, October 24, 2014

Tesxting Incident

Did you see the story of the Colorado woman who was impaled through the ass after she crashed her car guessed it, texting on her dopey cell phone. Here is a link to the story

Driving an automobile today is like walking through a mine field. In the state where that crazy woman lives, it is legal to smoke pot whenever the desire comes. So if you drive in Colorado you might be killed by a texting driver, one high on pot or the standard drunk driver.  Haha At least we have a choice about which method will destroy us. The point being, that people today have become so self absorbed, the "me, me, my rights first generation" that life on earth is a lot more dangerous than it has to be.

Just look at the cell phone addicts to see that we live in a selfish and often unthinking world today.  Too many humans act on their wants before thinking about the welfare of the rest of humanity.  And they are convinced they are entitled to do that. The once sense of community has been replaced with billions of private electronic worlds in which the individual feels he or she has the right to disregard the presence of others.  Every year, at least 200,000 people experience accidents caused by texting while behind the wheel (and each year in the United States 1.6 million accidents are caused by driving while handling a cell phone). This is according to a report released by the U.S. National Safety Council. That number will surely increase because the individual driver today does not care that driving while texting increases an accident probability by 25.

Surely, people have always driven their cars when intoxicated with alcohol. But now we have added drugs and electronic toys to the list of things that potentially cause un necessary deaths. One would think the bulk of the driving population would understand this, but they are oblivious to the fact. My sympathy goes to the woman who was impaled in the ass after causing an accident while rexting. She does seem to know that common sense and safety are important while driving. But I am not sure if many more of the cell addicts do. A pole through their ass just might be a wake-up call they also need.

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