Friday, October 24, 2014

Parents Have Their Child Areested For Sexting

More on cell phone insanity......  What happens when parents give children too much cell phone freedom? A lot,  some good but mostly bad. It can be downright ridiculous as to the perspective both the parent and child takes about the necessity or luxury of the great toy of the 21st century....the cell phone. For example, in Virginia the other day the parents of a 13 year old daughter jumped off a higher cliff than their child when they turned in their 13 year old daughter to the local sheriff after finding nude photos of her and other teens on her cell phone and tablet.

Yep! Instead of taking the phone and tablet away, they called the police. It makes me wonder whether the 13 year old or the parents are in control there. Surely, having one's child arrested because she did what plenty of 13 year olds will do when given a cell phone is extreme. I'd venture to say that whatever trust the parents and child had toward each other is now long gone.

The unidentified parents said they alerted the local sheriff's office even though she could be prosecuted. They said they did not want a stranger to possibly see the images and track her down. "We did this now to protect her for now and in the future, because this could get worse," the mother said.  Hmmm It's an interesting concept in parenting.  Let the criminal authorities parent instead of the parent. I find that odd. Yet, in this age in which many elevate a phone to the level of an inherent right, perhaps more parents might think that having the police arrest their daughter is the more sensible alternative to just taking away her phone.

The mother learned of the so-called sexting when her other child heard voices in their daughter's bedroom about 4 a.m. "What scares me is, this is much bigger than we realize. How many others are doing this and you don't realize it?" she said. Um, what scares me is that we have parents as dense as those tow. But then, in the United States one must apply for and receive a license to own a pet.  But to have a baby requires nothing more than sperm and an egg.

The sheriff's office of the county where the girl was arrested is still investigating, but the child's lawyer said the daughter could be sent to a juvenile counseling program that would involve her parents.  Hmmmm I suggest the parents get most of the counseling. A basic course in making appropriate parental decisions would help.  Depending on their ages, the older teens who received the pictures, however, could be sent to jail....uh, I hope without their phones.

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