Monday, June 2, 2014


If you watched the classic film, 'Easter Parade' this Easter or notice  some newspaper photos of Easter Bonnets you might be wondering what happened to all the hats people used to wear. Those garish looking Easter Bonnets has thinking about hats.  I only wear a hat to protect me from the sun, and only if I am going to be exposed to it for a great deal of time. Otherwise, I am not a hat wearer because they don't seem to fit my personality. They feel uncomfortable on me, and I don't see any fashion aspect to them when worn by me.  Fashion seems to be the main reason people wear them today, though some others like me wear them only to protect against the elements, because they have always worn them or to hide a bald dome or some physical attribute for which they are self conscious.  I general, I think men wear them more often for utilitarian reasons and women wear them more often as fashion statements.

My only hats are baseball caps used to protect my fair skin from the sun. My favorite is the one I bought for a dollar in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. It says, in Chinese, "I climbed the Great Wall". That's a bit outdated because I doubt if I could make it up more than a few steps these days.  Maybe I should get a new one that says, "I am too old, out of shape and lazy the climb the Great Wall." It's one of the few hats I own, but then, I have no desire for any other style than that. Speaking of that, the best way to make yourself look incredibly stupid is to wear a baseball cap turned around, the bill facing the back.  It screams, "Look at me I am stupid".

Hat's have been around since 3200 BC, this  according to the cave wall paintings of the time. In 70 AD a young Danish tribal chief fell into a bog in near perfect condition along with his pieced leather and fur cap. This is one of the earliest physical representations of hats that has been found. Maybe he was the cool dude of the times. Some say that the most recognizable male hat came about at the end of the 1700's in England, the 'top hat'. Now that's stylish! I think a person with as little class as me would be laughed at if I wore a top hat. But someone with intelligence, money and power, a Warren Buffet for instance, even today would look good in a top hat. Top Hats are still around in places of wealth, as in country clubs, at the opera or other exclusive places that would bar me if I tried to visit. Top hats are for the rich and famous, baseball hats for the common crowd.

Anyway, hats have a long history as markers of status, occupation, and even political affiliation. There are as many types of hats as are personality types, and that's a lot. The goofiest hat in use today may be those political campaign hats that say ridiculous things like, 'Harry Jones- Vote for America's Savior'. Given that the last great generation of hat wearing was in pre W.W. II days, my theory on those who still often wear hats today is that they tend to be more daring and unconventional personalities who want to set style, not reflect it.  It's not likely that hat wearing will ever disappear, mainly because it is a way to draw attention to the face. Women, in particular use them for that reason. People who are fashion conscious will always like them. If I were fashionable and had on a hat I would tip it to you right now.  You'll just have to use your imagination for that.

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