Monday, June 2, 2014

Chinese Spying On Corporations

Did you see the Chinese reaction to the claim by the U.S. government that China has gone way over the top in stealing technology from private U.S. businesses. Six of the larger U.S. corporations, Westinghouse Electric, U.S. Steel, SolarWorld, United Steel Workers Union, Allegheny Technologies Inc. and Alcoa were named by the U.S. government as suffering huge losses from China's cyber attacks and theft.  When nations can't create fast and well they steal, and China steals more than any other nation.

 The theft is so bad that the U.S. is now at the frustrated level, given that for many years China has stolen and spied outside the usual government spying for political and military intelligence. Now that theft has become almost never ending. Instead of just spying on that military plane or other military target as all nations do, China uses it's spies to hack and provide information from U.S. technological inventions and then gives the information to Chinese companies.  Despite the protests by the United States, it's nothing new. China has basically copied every western technological invention that has been produced the past 30 years or so, because it is rarely capable of creating it's own innovations through it's own research.

Of course the Chinese government says that the charges are false and should be withdrawn.  It claims China never spies at all.....the delusionsal speech of dictators. What else is new? What can be done about the out-of-bounds, non military and political spying out there? Nothing! China is in a catch up fast phase that wants to catch up on technology and innovation with more developed economies. So it must steal to do so.

And who is to say which kind of spying a nation can do? The U.S. and every other nation on earth spies for military and political purposes. Why is that any less ethical that a government is spying on another government's most successful and innovative corporations? So nothing will come of the compliant by the Obama administration. It's the fact of life in our high tech, high communication, world that just about anything can be stolen for any purpose, and will be. I just hope they steal Reality TV...all of it!

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