Friday, April 18, 2014

Phony Climate Change Rhetoric

Every time President Obama screws up (and he does so on a regular basis), we get his distraction act. That is, he runs from his failures and heads right toward the trendy issues that most brainless of the voting pool worship. And they most often respond to that by supporting the President. A few months ago the Obama administration initiated the phony "War on Women" which Obama and his party claim everyone who is not a member of their Democratic party is engaging in. I haven't noticed any war on women here, but that campaign plus the "Let's take the money from the 1 %" (and give it to those who don't work or pay taxes) has thus far worked well gaining support for the Obama agenda during the Obama administration.

But forget that! The Obama crowd is sagging so badly in the polls that they are reviving another one of their tried and true, trendy. vote warming. Or is it "climate change". Sometimes the trendy update their language to make their suspect theories seem more real, but regardless, global warming is their religion because they give so much of their faith to it. The first indication that the "distract them from real issues with trendy ones" global warming campaign, came in the figure of Obama's Secretary of State, John Kerry. In a speech in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kerry declared climate change was “another weapon of mass destruction.” Forget the hydrogen bomb, he declared. Instead climate change is “perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.” Really?
Whether it’s hot or cold, dry or wet, rainy or snowy the trendy global warming crowd that loves Obama, says it’s climate change that explains every variation in climate.

The Obama administrations trick is to apply a rhetoric of certainty and immediacy to inherently uncertain, far-off projections. Contrary to Kerry's ridiculous statement that we can forget nuclear holocaust because we are all more threatened by temperatures changes allegedly "caused by humans", the latest IPCC report concludes that “there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century.”

After Kerry set the plate for increasing the climate change hysteria, President Obama piled on more or it. In a major speech on climate change Obama presented the same thesis to put more life his climate change policies in order to stir his supporters to follow him. Obama's assertion is that the science has decided global warming is a "fact". It a is ludicrous thesis, given that even a science idiot like myself knows that science is never final nor settled, and that no respectful scientist would assert that it is so.

So Obama spoke and wailed about how humans are killing "the planet" and accused all skeptics of being "climate deniers" (I find it disgraceful for him to borrow the term from "holocaust denier", a real one, and rework it for his climate change agenda). But then claiming that science is settled is a good way to silence those who challenge the climate change theory.

Even if you believe that humans can control climate and that Obama and his followers were right in everything they say about climate change, they are powerless to do anything about it. Our carbon emissions are essentially flat, while those of China and India are growing at a rapid pace. Those countries aren't going to hinder their economic development (to heed Obama's global warming fit) which has done so much to alleviate human misery in underdeveloped nations in response to a far-off threat of dangerous weather. So perhaps the scare tactics about am imagined climate change is just a way to heat up support for the President. Using the often uttered, idiotic trendy lines that 'the climate debate is settled" and that "the climate debate is settled" to push his over all agenda seems to me to be just a lot of hot air.

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