Friday, April 18, 2014

April Fool Jokes

One thing about the internet that is interesting is that anything shows up there. Uh, take April Fool jokes, as an example.  Since we have just gotten past April Fools' Day without me being exposed as a bigger fool that I already am, I think I can write about some of the April Fool jokes making the rounds on April Fools Day. No, I did fall prey to any of them. They are making an attempt to top what I consider to be the best mass victim April Fool joke ever.

That was long ago in the beginning era of TV and showed how TV does make idiots of those who watch and take it too seriously. In that April Fool joke, the British Broadcasting Corp. in 1957 showed farmers on TV allegedly reaping a bumper crop of pasta from fictitious "spaghetti trees," prompting countless homeowners from across the United Kingdom to swamp the network's telephone switchboard in an effort to find out where they could buy the seedlings. Wow! I didn't know spaghetti grew on trees....

Anyway, the best April fool internet joke making the rounds on your dear computer has been the "turn off the internet" jokes.  In one, the Department of Homeland Security allegedly instructs the recipient to disconnect all  home computers from the Internet from midnight, March 31 to 6 a.m. on April 2 so the government can use "cyber spiders" to clean out old e-mail and spam in order to make the World Wide Web run faster.

Those who live in America's coldest areas say they have received another variation of that one. They got E mails and even pre-recorded telephone messages urging them to disconnect their home phones for the next few days so their local phone company can use special heaters to "thoroughly thaw out frozen phone lines." It won't work for me since I blow so much hot air here my phone lines never freeze.

The mother of those two instructed homeowners to disconnect their phones because their service provider was going to blow air through local lines in order to purge dust that had accumulated over the years. Customers also were urged to wrap their phones in plastic bags to prevent the dust from gushing through their handsets and blanketing their floors and furniture. Supposedly, about 1 million Americans fell for that one and wrapped their phones. This may reflect the  decline in  results among schools in the United States. On that note, if you were one who wrapped your phone in plastic keep the news to yourself....please.
I hope you are now prepared for the next year's round of April Fools pranks...... and I'm not joking.

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