Sunday, March 7, 2010

For Dummies

I was thinking the other day (yes, a rare day for me) . I don't think about serious things very often because I am less serious rather than more serious about most of life. So what stuck my mind yesterday was those "For Dummies" books. What is it with those things. They are everywhere and seemingly about every subject. I think every nation has 'For Dummy' books, probably because allot of us are dummies. So I had to do a little research to see how many of them have been printed.

I found that there are almost 2000 'For Dummy' books in print. WOW! There must be many dummies everywhere because those books are big sellers. They are the ones with the yellow and black covers. Each subject area of the Dummy book is written by an expert in the field to give the books some aura of expertise. I have never bought any of them, but I have browsed some at bookstores or wherever they appear. The literary level really is dummy based. All of them are written on a lower, simple level as one would expect given the title. You don't have to be a dummy to read and understand them, but being a smarty probably won't help either. Most 10 year olds can read and understand a Dummy book.

The Dummy series tells us about some subject we are interested in but know little about in a painless way. It's a good concept for the novice. I wonder why no one has come up with a "Graduate Dummy" series of books to make even more money for the publishers. 'A Grad Dummy' book could be a higher level book that goes into detail the 'Dummy' book can't because we are too stupid to understand when we read it. I like my idea, so if you steal it and make money off of it....remember....I may be a dummy but even a dummy can hire a lawyer to sue you for property theft. Ahhhhhhhh I knew I should have read the 'Patent and Copy writing For Dummies" book.

Maybe you haven't paid as much attention the the Dummy book series as I. It would probably be a good sign if you didn't because Dummies like me know about such things. Here are a few of the actual (I am not kidding about these titles) 'For Dummy' books I have seen: Living Gluten Free For Dummies (Gluten Free gets it's own book...shows the state of the world today); FaceBook For Dummies (not an oxymoron I think); Raising Chickens For Dummies (Do you have to be smart to raise chickens? They are already everywhere); Spanish For Dummies (Spain must not be happy that only Dummies are learning to speak its language): Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D For Dummies (What?); Iphone Apps For Dummies (Shouldn't it instead be 'Iphone Apps For Cell Phone Addicts'?); Home Buying For Dummies (I don't think the should sell homes to stupid people. They never pay their mortgages); The Bible For Dummies (I would make one of my cynical remarks but God might strike me dead if I do); Pressure Cookers For Dummies (How can they fill an entire book with pressure cooking information? Maybe pressure cooking fanatics can't read and the pages are all the same); Quantum Physics Workbook For Dummies (I always wanted that book!)

Because there are many more dummy titles, you'll have to find the names yourself because although I'm a dummy I am also too lazy to list them for you. You might think I am making up all of this, that those books don't exist. Forget it. I am too much of a dummy to make up anything this crazy.

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