Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Right To Be Or Not To Be Fat

How far has political correctness come? Too far, I think. We now face pressures to do what the majority in society likes, to think as society says we should and now to only even eat what society says is "healthy".

Yep, now being fat is considered a mortal sin. Just ask the obese students at, Lincoln University, a historically black college near Philadelphia. Until recently they were being told they could not graduate from the school if too fat, unless they took a course that chastises them from being obese. After the media picked up the story the idea was nixed and now it is ok to waddle across the podium and pick up a degree at Lincoln. Amid complaints the so-called "fat course" undermined a school principle of equal treatment, Lincoln's administration reversed its crazy policy the other day and says now the fatter students won't have to take a fitness class to graduate.

Why would a college put in such a non academic and insulting requirement? The school says it had initiated the policy to address high rates of obesity and diabetes, especially in the black community. (which has the highest rate of obesity of all ethnic groups in the U.S., despite being one of the poorest ones as well) Lincoln had earlier sent 80 students e-mails saying they had to take the fitness course to graduate.

The plan was to target students with a body mass index of 30 or above. Doctors consider that the obese point.But political correct stupidity can be brought down by the saving face syndrome, as in the fact that once media ridiculed the school for its obvious lack of respect for the privacy and freedom of its students the "Fitness for Life" course will instead be "suggested" to certain students after a freshman wellness class that addresses a number of health issues besides being too fat.How arrogant of the school!

Must humans all conform to some nebulous standard of fitness to merit a college degree? What other requirements might students be forced to accede. Maybe any student wearing too sandals might be expelled because wearing sandals could be dangerous to the feet. How about lighting in dorm rooms? Perhaps the lamp mom sent her son to use in their dorm provides too little light and might prove injurious to the eyes. better get rid of that lamp or no diploma....

The truth is a person has a right to weight whatever he or she wants, and to suggest extra weight makes one less worthy is not exactly in keeping with the treasured tradition of a college campus' pursuit of academic freedom. Maybe instead of a required fitness course the Lincoln administration should be required as a condition of continued employment, to take a class on political correctness, just so it may see how stupid one becomes when he or she tries to impose personal likes on others

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