Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No More Security

What a reaction to the latest terrorist airline blow-up attempt here in the U.S. In the name of "security" the government now says even toilets will have restricted access. Yep! Toilets will be locked an hour before landing and passengers not allowed to leave their seats on international flights during that same hour time frame. That's one of the "new' security measures to be implemented. I fail to understand why we are now in name of security forbidden to use toilet one hour before landing.

What is stopping another suicide candidate blowing himself in the toilet 2-3 hours before landing? It is a knee jerk reaction which will not serve as a deterrent and, despite attempts by the current administration to make people feel they are safer when flying. this idiotic measure will only irritate both passenger bowels and bladders and passenger patience. Living with the risk of terrorism is the price we pay for living in a free society. The less free we become the more we have surrendered to the terrorists. Now the idiots in our government have surrendered our toilets!

Whose interests are protected by increasing, invasive, offensive, often preposterous "security measures"? Passengers' lives? Citizens' dignity and civil rights? Western world values of freedom? In reality, the strategy of governments to pretend they are "saving us" from terrorism with preposterous, annoying and expensively needless security increases each time there is another terrorist attempt on a plane, is all an illusion. And the vast majority of riders know it.

Flying never was, nor can it every be a guaranteed safe voyage. Security does not need to be increased...just competent! In fact I think most of what passes for airport security is a cosmetic nightmare that does nothing by annoy and delay an expensive cost to passengers. Too, airlines are a civilian method of travel and rely on sales.

If security is increased to the extent that people feel uncomfortable, fewer passengers will travel and already struggling airlines will fold. Do I hear "airline bail-out" coming next in this economic crisis period?

There are hundreds of ways for anyone intent on blowing up your plane to do it...and many of those are not detectable with current 'security measures'. I for one would prefer a simple profiling method of security. Through out all the crazy security checks now in place and just check the people who mostly resemble past terrorists, and let the rest of them go on board normally. It won't make me feel any safer, but my bladder and bowels will appreciate it.

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