Monday, September 14, 2015

The Mid East Refugee Invasion Of Western Europe

That refugee problem that Western Europe is dealing with, the one in which millions of "refugees" the Mid East are swarming into Western Europe,  is not surprising. Many of those "refugees" are not really threatened from the militants in Iraq. Instead, some are people who are away from the trouble but see an opportunity to get out of the dismal circumstances of the area and settle in "rich' countries that will provide benefits to care for them. There have been many reports that some of the refugees are from places like Pakistan, not sub Saharan Africa, Iraq, Syria etc.

In one way I enjoy seeing the sanctimonious Europeans, who have lectured the United States for 50 years that we should keep open our birders and allow the massive illegal immigration from Mexico and central America into the United States to continue, suffer the same illegal immigration fate as we have. They never once suggested they themselves should take some of our (about 50 million in the past 50 years) illegals. Yet, they now ask the U.S. to take in many of the current Mid East refugees. How hypocritical!

I think the solution should be to help keep the refugees safe, but do so in a Mid Eastern nation or nations, perhaps Turkey. Temporary accommodations could be provided there by the world, under the United Nations' supervision. There is no need for millions of refugees to be resettled into Western Europe where they will be faced with a different language, culture, and religious bent.  Temporary resettlement in the Mid East can eventually led to the refugees returning to their homes after the crises there have ended. But no nation in the Mid East, not Saudi Arabia, for instance, has taken in a single refugee. That is shameful.

As Europe absorbs more and more of those refugees it will eventually see their number rise to a level at which the refugees will demand to have their former Mid East way of life become the norm. There will be a cultural clash that many in Europe will resist and the result will be much unrest, particularly in the form of an increase in the rise of local Islamic terrorist groups in Europe.

Thus, a new problem will have been created by the poor handling of the original one ( the refugee invasion)

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