Monday, August 17, 2015

Boy Or Girl? How Can We Tell?

This might be the  beginning of the age of the end of gender identification. It seems that everywhere today the media tells us that one can pick whatever gender he/she (it?) decides is the best for the moment.  It's a bit confusing to me and  somewhat disconcerting, given I like the current distinct separation of genders. Somehow I can't look and not be confused when I see Bruce "Caitlin" Jennifer in a dress. But then we humans have to live our lives as we see best. So I wish that Jennifer guy/girl the best of luck in his new life with whatever sex he wants to be identified.

If big retailer Target has its way we might be seeing more UFO (Unidentified Flying Gender) humans.  As of now, parents or kids visiting Target will no longer have to consider their gender while shopping. The retailer announced Friday it will start removing gender based labeling in several departments, including toys, bedding and entertainment, around the store. So forget the "little girl department" or shopping for a boy's underwear in the boy's section of the store. Target will lump all those clothes into a unisex department. And it claims the decision to ban sex differentiation in kids clothes comes after receiving a great deal of "feedback and suggestions from customers". HMO Are people really demanding that Jane dress like John? I have not heard anyone demand that.

Here is the statement target released to the press about this change in policy. “As guests have pointed out, in some departments like toys, home or entertainment, suggesting products by gender is unnecessary. We heard you, and we agree. Right now, our teams are working across the store to identify areas where we can phase out gender based signal to help strike a better balance.” Oh my! Are both the boys and girls going to wear mini bras? Which one will get pregnant when becoming a big boy or big girl?

Target plans to remove pink, blue, yellow and green paper on the back of the walls to eliminate references or suggestions based on gender because gender based signs in certain areas is no longer necessary. “We never want guests or their families to feel frustrated or limited by the way things are presented,” the statement said. Huh? Are we shoppers frustrated because there are two separate departments for the little ones? I think it a logical way to make it easier to find the clothing we want to buy. I doubt shoppers will be less frustrated when all the boy and girl clothes are in the same section and all look alike.

Ok, I am exaggerating (for effect and a small bit of humor) this move by Target. It will still sell outfits for boys and outfits for girls that match traditional rules....for now, at least. But the customer will have to sift though a lot more items to find the right one for their little girl or boy. How is that more convenient for the shopper?

If I were a conspiracy theorist I would claim that first Target moves all the girl and boy items to the same section, and next it stops making sex specific items, instead, just selling unisex clothes that make little Johnny or little Frances look alike and makes them wonder if there is any difference between being male or female. Hmmm Those poor little ones won't even know what rest room to use (until they change that as well).

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