Wednesday, August 5, 2015

And Now Begins Windows 10

Windows 10, Microsoft's newest operating system is about to become the standard.....for some, but not me.  For ,months now Windows has been pushing me to download Window's 10 as a free upgrade to what I currently have (Windows 7). But I want no part of anything Microsoft gives away "free". Just enduring their constant annoying upgrades is enough for me. Every time Windows installs one of their upgrades my system is adversely affected. In my case, the settings for the sound card are changed, making it inoperable. So those "critical upgrades cause me to constantly have to download corrective software that will fix Microsoft's intrusions. I am certain my computer isn't the only one damaged by Microsoft's critical updates.

I will not upgrade to Windows 10. It's user friendly only to cell phone users, since it is designed to act much the same way Too, the  last versions of their operating systems Windows 8 and Windows 8.1  was a schizophrenic operating system that didn't know whether its master was a mouse-keyboard-driven personal computer or a touch first tablet. It was confusing. Lots of people hated it. I never dared try it, and am glad of it.

It is why I won't download Windows 10. All those tiles in Windows 8 that replaced the old Start desktop in the previous versions of Window's OS looked very confusing and made it harder to navigate through the operating system. Windows 8 verified what most people think about Microsoft and other computer engineers. That is, they design things for geeks, not Luddites. What's cute and easy for a geek is impossible for a Luddite to understand. But Microsoft and the rest of the computer engineers seem incapable of understanding that.

I don't even want to look at what is in Windows 10. Using a PC is probably the least user friendly technology ever invented by humans. What I want is ease and simplicity of use. I want to press a button to turn it on, and be able to use the operating system by use of common sense, not Microsoft geekness (is that a word?). I also want it to work without glitzes and crashes, and without constant destructive upgrades. Every other technology offers that. Microsoft does not. I guess I am a dreamer and Microsoft is my nightmare.

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