Sunday, November 1, 2009

Where To Bury Them

There's a new twist on the biggest and real (as opposed to phony global warming issue) problem- overpopulation. Not only are there too many humans alive on this planet. Now there seems to be too many dead ones too. The world's burial spaces are becoming overcrowded. London, population 8 million, is crowded with the living and now with the dead.

There are many millions more under the soil of a city that has been inhabited for 2,000 years. And London is rapidly running out of places to put them. So now the city's largest cemetery is trying to persuade Londoners to share a grave with a stranger. And more cemeteries are thinking of doing the same. This could signal the death of burials and the rebirth of cremation. Even though over half of all Londeners now use cremation, in Britons and the west in general, there are some who have strong beliefs against it. Resummation, or "flame less cremation," a process that uses an alkaline solution to dissolve bodies is a future possibility for those who are "afraid of fire". But it is not yet recognized in British law.

But the problem is a very British one. Many other European countries regularly reuse old graves after a couple of decades. Britain does not, as a result of old piecemeal regulations and national traditions against it. For many, an Englishman's tomb, like his home, is his castle. That is a similar attitude in America, but we have a great deal more open space for more burials. In much of Britain, reusing old graves remains illegal. Instead of birth control, they need death control. Putting more bodies in existing tomb is said to be the least offensive way to do it.

But will mom put Uncle Edward in a tomb already that is already occupied? That is the dilemma. I wouldn't want to be buried with that crazy aunt of mine..just think about being buried with Michael Jackson? Haha Well, if the deceased is not a little boy it might be ok. Some strange burial fellowships might result. Just think how disturbing for the dead it would be if these mismatched people were buried in the same tomb.
- George Bush and any Islamic terrorist
- Kayne West and Taylor Swift
- Beyonce and Whoppie Goldberg
- Pope Benedict and any Rabbi
- Albert Einstein and Mr. Bean

It's too much to bear...Well, with many religions against anything except a single family tomb burial and the contented image that a green, pastoral grave site gives us we probably haven't seen the end of graves and more burials in them. Burial give humans a sense of contentment at death that they need. And who wants to sleep in the same tomb with Michael Jackson!

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