Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Too Fancy Clothes

I had a long Saturday, being on a movie set from 6 am to 6:30 pm. This one was a made for TV movie called 'I Believe in Love'. It stars a former child Disney actress, now turned singer, Hilary Duff. The movie story revolve around a young Cosmopolitan Magazine writer, played by Duff, in New York. She only dates men in business suits.

Yes, it is a comedy. New Orleans his being turned into Manhattan for the film. My tiny contribution that day was to walk with a brief case into a bank (no, I didn't rob were thinking I would in real life) and later in the day to be a background customer in a Brooks Brothers clothing store.

The movie set was in a real Brooks Brothers store. It's one of those "for the wealthy or foolish" only places. Since we were on set for most of the afternoon at that location I perused the clothes there. There were $300 slacks, $200 ties, and suits well over $1000 each. The quality of that merchandise? It was slightly more upscale, but surely does not warrant such high prices. There was the usual silk and wool, but I am not sure it was of quality that is commensurate with the prices asked for purchasing it. Haha I saw the same "made in India". made in China" tags that are on the "cheap" clothing sold in most stores.

The store was still operating between takes and there were some customers picking up merchandise and looking or browsing to buy. I wonder how many sales places like that has each day, given the prices. But then, the mark-up on prices is so high it need not sell in great volume to make a profit. Brooks Brothers started as a men's clothing store many years ago, but the reality of men not being shoppers to the degree that women are turned it into a store for everyone.

This leads me to the observation that we men know of but dare not speak to shopping crazy women. that is, "why are women's clothing so much better looking and of better quality than are men's? Women want us to dress better, but the selection of clothes for men is far more limited to accomplish that. Anyway, I am the sloppy type who does not care about the look of clothes. I prefer comfort and will wear the same group of things too often because they are more comfortable.

Can you imagine a man (hehe... a straight one, not a gay one) in high heels or caked with an hour of make-up? It will not happen. Women have been steered to over dress and over make-up by devices like the better clothing options they can buy.

On balance, we men should be grateful there are fewer options of wear and that we do not have to use make up on our own faces.So the uppity, stylish stores like Brooks Brothers are not only very expensive, but an invitation for men to primp in front of a mirror and wear uncomfortable clothing. You'll never see me in Brooks Brothers any time soon.

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