Wednesday, January 31, 2018


"J'accuse"! Relax. I am not accusing you of anything. I just wanted to see how it felt to be one of those accusers. You know, the people who go online and accuse others of a  variety of currently trendy causes. At the moment it seems that every male in the universe has been accused by one or more females of "sexual assault". Sexual assault theses days is ambiguous term. It includes real physical sexual abuse but also "abuse" such as saying something that hurts the alleged victim's feelings. With the proliferation of communication devices (those stupid cell phones) the favorite tweet or social media post is "He assaulted me".

False accusations tend to blur real ones. And that might be a problem now. There is an almost Salem Witch trial sentiment to an accusation today, sexual or any other one. The "He or she is a racist" accusation a good example of today's accusation tyranny. When one person presents an argument with which you disagree, it is easier to call that person a racist than to debate rhetorically and factually. One thing social media does is dumb down conversation, and the dumbest people in the world seem to use social media the most. God! Bring back those cat videos and stop the accusers from assaulting us all with their excess.

There is a saying that the frantic revolution always becomes excessive and then eventually eats its own advocates. So get ready accusers. Your day will come, as you have set a play field to encourage others to also falsely accuse you of something as well. And there is a great likely hood that the accusation is so subjective and so flimsy that you will be as shocked to be accused as were those you previously accused.

In this country we have already damaged essential public institutions by so many false accusations. One example is the ludicrous accusation by people who imagine bigotry is that "police are hunting black people". Our PC media has promoted that one feverishly, with no data to support that allegation. As a result, many Americans now think the police are "racist". Police are now viewed skeptically by many and that crown reacts negatively to the police as a result. Accusations, both the real and merited accusation and the destructive false ones have stained other institutions including schools, churches, The Boy Scouts and other children's social groups, and even out lovable corrupt politicians. Hmmmm Even a politician deserves to not be falsely accused.

Good lucky clearing your name if you are publicly false accused of one of the trendy "abuses" now the rage. If the accusations are not true, the person is in a situation that is similar to being bullied. Once accused and now distrusted and under scrutiny, the sense of helplessness is overwhelming. But the other victims is the real victim abuse, those whose real tragic status is muddied by the false accusers. I suppose if we all unplugged those stupid phones and computers for a while the accuser crowd would go away in frustration. A performer needs an audience in order to perform. But that unplugging isn't possible.

What's more possible is if we resist the false accusers by ignoring their complaints. Better to let the legal system handle such complaints. It is far more capable of separating real abuse from the phony kind. I suspect this won't happen until we all finally say, "Enough"! When we tune them out and stop enabling them they will go on to another attention getting strategy less destructive than the false accusation. Well, I can dream it might happen.

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