Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Easter Candy

Easter's over, but the politically correct crowd that has just begun is on a kids must always eat "healthy food" rampage (this cause could be the illegitimate son of the phony "Global Warming" crusade). They want to take candy out of Easter! How insane. That's like Dolly Parton with out boobs, President Obama without deficit spending, me without ranting. It's just not right.

Too many kids this Easter got their Easter basket filled with small toys, sidewalk chalk, plastic eggs with change inside...but no Chocolate rabbits, jelly beans, marshmallow eggs or even those nasty peep candies with which all kids like to sicken themselves.
I think the Michelle Obama "obesity campaign" that tries to curtail the kiddies from eating too much, has taken a misstep in assaulting the Easter candy bunny.

Just as they want to serve only "healthy food" in school cafeterias, they want to take away the kids' sweets on holidays. Easter is the second (behind Halloween) biggest day of sweet consumption in the United States. It perplexes me that parents would want to stop kids from pigging out once in a awhile. Isn't eating candy a joy of being a child? After all, a 5 year old can't go out and get drunk on weekends like mom and dad do.

The same parents who gorge on rich or heart artery clogging foei gras, cheesecake, and buttery croissants act not as reasonable guardians of nutrition but rather as the food police for their kids. Perhaps if the parents also stopped their cigarette smoking and drinking and exercised more, they would set a better example an have less time to take away a fun tradition that their kids will long remember.

I will never forget the fun of the childhood Easter candy basket. But I doubt I would have ever remembered, had I been given it, a politically correct Easter basket like the food gestapo advocates today. I think these parents should be forced to eat nothing but carrots all Easter week.

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