Are you tired of hearing about continued whiny claims about "climate change" (they used to call it "global warming", but renaming it that gives them the right to claim that whenever there is either a both cold and hot extreme it is "man-made)? The silly "save the planet talk" and "it's global warming and we are all going to die" is amusing to hear, but the extremists who claim man himself is changing the climate hit the height of absurdity the other day with two nude climate change protests that were sponsored by Green peace.
Haha Yep! Crazy people do crazy things, and those nudies say they stripped for the camera to "save the planet" (what else do they ever claim to do and how many times have they saved it already?). In the first of the two nude global warming/climate change protests, hundreds of naked people gathered in a French vineyard to pose for photographer Spencer Tunick and illustrate the threat of global warming through "art". They claim the "warming" will kill the French wine they love to drink and that by getting naked, hosting empty wine bottles and shocking their moms it constituted a "meaningful message" on climate change that concentrated on the vulnerability of wines and agriculture in France.
They must have drunk an awful lot of wine before they stripped for the camera, or perhaps their brains' reasoning capacity has been heated too much and damaged. I think the only meaningful aspect to that show is to give Spencer Tunick more publicity so he can have more money for his non climate change activities. (and a chance for us to look at hot naked people) Spencer wasn't satisfied with that first nude display. He wanted more, so he organized more than 1,000 people to take part in a nude protest at Blarney Castle in Cork in southern Ireland. I was at that castle in 2008 and saw no hot, nude bodies, but the video of this event makes me glad I didn't. The 1000 were photographed lying down and holding a plant in the right hand. That's not sexy!
However, Spencer said it symbolized the human destruction of the earth. I am not certain why they had to be naked to make that point. Oh..I is because chilly Ireland is supposed to be heating (it is not). These kinds of wacky global warming stunts are fun for the media. They love to report on the crazies and their claims but surely it makes the hypothesis of global warming seem as ridiculous it really is
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