Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Worst Mom Of The Year

I have a candidate for 'Worst Mom of the Year'. Ok, there is no such award. But in this age of parental neglect, parents doing their own thing rather than being responsible for the children they produce, and just plain ignorant parents, I have a sure fire winner to nominate when that award is created. Tajhma Deary, a 32-year-old woman from New Orleans has been arrested for teaching her 8-year-old son how to break into a house. Yep! She home schooled her kid in how to break into homes.

According to the arrest warrant, dreary Deary Tajhma and her son were caught on surveillance video trying to break in to a house. The video the homeowner's security camera took shows junior sticking his right arm inside the home's mail slot to make several attempts at unlocking the locks on the door while the mother stood nearby offering assistance to him. After her young crime trainee failed to open the front door, Deary hopped a 6-foot-tall wrought iron fence to gain access to the side of the house.

She then removed a screen from a window and tried to lift the window, but failed because it was locked. Dreary Deary then dismantled one of the victim's video surveillance cameras off the exterior of the house, the warrant says. The pair then ran away. But fortunately the video fingered the two and mom sits in jail awaiting prosecution. Junior is being held temporarily by juvenile detention.

I wonder, when mom gets out they will the state return her son to her...this time to teach him to kill rather than rob? No doubt that child is already a criminal of the present and future and intervention with him at this point is unlikely to change his future. We should get a good look at dreary Deary's face because we might see it again on TV in 8 years or so, screaming and crying at the top of her lungs because "someone shot my baby".

What a classic illustration how criminals are made not born. Hmmmm On the other hand I am beginning to doubt the old adage, "It is important that parents are involved in their child's education." A sensible government would terminate her rights to her son and send her to prison for a longggggggggggggg time. But that isn't the way the society operates in our age of entitlements. Mom will probably be portrayed as a victim of drugs or poverty or stupidity. And in the end she will be released, reunited with her son and resume her classes for him in how to be a thug.

Sigh....there's nothing like learning at mom's knee.

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