Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unhealthy Foods

I am reading about eating "unhealthy", or in this case, "fatty" food. There is an hysteria in the United States about what we eat today. Political correctness has clearly taken over in the American kitchen, so that foods are labeled as either "healthy" or 'not healthy". This idea is ridiculous and focuses on the content of the food rather than amount eaten. In reality, it is not what we eat that matters. It is how much of it we eat. (But I confess to eating both "unhealthy' and too much). Eating too many carrots, for example, can cause problems for the body

At any rate, the article that I am reading lists the six worst fat offenders. They are in order of "offensiveness":
6) Hamburgers
5) Steak
4) Mexican food
3) "Unhealthy salad"
2) "Healthy" fish
1) Pasta

With the exception of the unhealthy salad (that refers to salads loaded with fatty meat and sugars) I would die if refused the other five. Why is it the food police assume that the human body can not assimilate all kinds of foods when eaten in moderation? I see some of the "healthy eaters" at restaurants shoveling so much healthy dishes' in their mouths they can hardly walk away from the table when finished. Surely that is more stressful for the body than one who eats an "unhealthy" normal sized hamburger.

Minimal amounts of unhealthy foods won't cause health problems. it's over consumption of unhealthy products that contributes to chronic disease, obesity and other negative health effects. labeling foods as completely good or completely bad is at best an over reaction. Sometimes the "bad" foods are good for our souls if not for the body. But feeding the soul is extremely important too.

Hmmm I think I'll have some soul food now... maybe an "unhealthy" hamburger and milkshake now...

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